Thriving forest landscapes

We want to scale up and accelerate woodland creation in the UK

We believe thriving forest landscapes underpin local scale resilience, productivity and sustainability. Enhancement of ecological integrity, ecosystem functioning and habitat connectivity of both natural and agro-ecosystems contributes to the provision of a wide variety of ecosystem services, helping to sustain local ecologies, economies and community health and wellbeing.

Benefits of thriving forest landscapes include:

  • Climate: capturing and storing atmospheric carbon, contributing to climate change mitigation and achievement of UK’s 2050 Net Zero ambition.

  • Biodiversity: increasing wildlife habitat, species diversity and population sizes, enhancing the resilience and sustainability of natural and agroforestry ecosystems.

  • Water: cleaning, storing and regulating water supply, helping to combat flood and drought risk, and contributing to security of supply.

  • Economy: providing food, fuel and fibre (wood and timber products), creating varied recreation and education opportunities, generating revenues and contributing to supply security.

  • Community: providing local employment, creating accessible green, amenity and leisure spaces, supporting wellbeing, and increasing environmental awareness.

Restoring thriving forest landscapes for the benefit of future generations

We secure land

We acquire land for reforestation through purchase, through lease agreements, and through innovative partnership arrangements with existing farm and landowners.

By nature, our projects are very, very long term: resilient, thriving landscapes depend on it.

Land purchase secures project benefits in perpetuity. When acquiring land by lease and through partnership, we seek very long term commitments, in order to ensure outcomes are achieved.

We reforest

Working in partnership, we design and implement forest restoration projects that fit within local landscapes.

Our approaches include: natural woodland regeneration; native tree planting; rewilding; woodland management; and, regenerative agro-forestry systems; all of which support biodiversity, food production, social wellbeing, and economic viability.

This combination of natural processes, accelerated restoration, and regenerative food systems is central to our creation of thriving forest landscapes.

We partner

Recognising the immense challenges involved in supporting ecosystem restoration and biodiversity recovery, we work in partnership with a wide range of landowners, stakeholders and actors; locally, regionally and nationally; within supply chains, non-profit organisations and think tanks; in commercial, cooperative and shared interest ways to achieve our ambition.

We believe in the power of community, engaging and acting collectively to create a more beautiful, common future.